/ 设计模式 / 观察者模式 / Swift Swift 观察者模式讲解和代码示例 观察者是一种行为设计模式, 允许一个对象将其状态的改变通知其他对象 观察者模式提供了一种作用于任何实现了订阅者接口的对象的机制, 可对其事件进行订阅和取消订阅。 进一步了解观察者模式 导航 简介 概念示例 Example Output 真实世界示例 Example Output 复杂度: 流行度: 使用示例: 观察者模式在 Swift 代码中很常见, 特别是在 GUI 组件中。 它提供了在不与其他对象所属类耦合的情况下对其事件做出反应的方式。 识别方法: 该模式可以通过将对象存储在列表中的订阅方法, 和对于面向该列表中对象的更新方法的调用来识别。 以下示例可在 Swift Playgrounds 上使用。 感谢 Alejandro Mohamad 创建了Playground版本。 概念示例 真实世界示例 概念示例 本例说明了观察者设计模式的结构并重点回答了下面的问题: 它由哪些类组成? 这些类扮演了哪些角色? 模式中的各个元素会以何种方式相互关联? 了解该模式的结构后, 你可以更轻松地理解下面基于真实世界的 Swift 应用案例。 Example.swift: 概念示例 import XCTest /// The Subject owns some important state and notifies observers when the state /// changes. class Subject { /// For the sake of simplicity, the Subject's state, essential to all /// subscribers, is stored in this variable. var state: Int = { return Int(arc4random_uniform(10)) }() /// @var array List of subscribers. In real life, the list of subscribers /// can be stored more comprehensively (categorized by event type, etc.). private lazy var observers = [Observer]() /// The subscription management methods. func attach(_ observer: Observer) { print("Subject: Attached an observer.\n") observers.append(observer) } func detach(_ observer: Observer) { if let idx = observers.firstIndex(where: { $0 === observer }) { observers.remove(at: idx) print("Subject: Detached an observer.\n") } } /// Trigger an update in each subscriber. func notify() { print("Subject: Notifying observers...\n") observers.forEach({ $0.update(subject: self)}) } /// Usually, the subscription logic is only a fraction of what a Subject can /// really do. Subjects commonly hold some important business logic, that /// triggers a notification method whenever something important is about to /// happen (or after it). func someBusinessLogic() { print("\nSubject: I'm doing something important.\n") state = Int(arc4random_uniform(10)) print("Subject: My state has just changed to: \(state)\n") notify() } } /// The Observer protocol declares the update method, used by subjects. protocol Observer: class { func update(subject: Subject) } /// Concrete Observers react to the updates issued by the Subject they had been /// attached to. class ConcreteObserverA: Observer { func update(subject: Subject) { if subject.state < 3 { print("ConcreteObserverA: Reacted to the event.\n") } } } class ConcreteObserverB: Observer { func update(subject: Subject) { if subject.state >= 3 { print("ConcreteObserverB: Reacted to the event.\n") } } } /// Let's see how it all works together. class ObserverConceptual: XCTestCase { func testObserverConceptual() { let subject = Subject() let observer1 = ConcreteObserverA() let observer2 = ConcreteObserverB() subject.attach(observer1) subject.attach(observer2) subject.someBusinessLogic() subject.someBusinessLogic() subject.detach(observer2) subject.someBusinessLogic() } } Output.txt: 执行结果 Subject: Attached an observer. Subject: Attached an observer. Subject: I'm doing something important. Subject: My state has just changed to: 4 Subject: Notifying observers... ConcreteObserverB: Reacted to the event. Subject: I'm doing something important. Subject: My state has just changed to: 2 Subject: Notifying observers... ConcreteObserverA: Reacted to the event. Subject: Detached an observer. Subject: I'm doing something important. Subject: My state has just changed to: 8 Subject: Notifying observers... 真实世界示例 Example.swift: 真实世界示例 import XCTest class ObserverRealWorld: XCTestCase { func test() { let cartManager = CartManager() let navigationBar = UINavigationBar() let cartVC = CartViewController() cartManager.add(subscriber: navigationBar) cartManager.add(subscriber: cartVC) let apple = Food(id: 111, name: "Apple", price: 10, calories: 20) cartManager.add(product: apple) let tShirt = Clothes(id: 222, name: "T-shirt", price: 200, size: "L") cartManager.add(product: tShirt) cartManager.remove(product: apple) } } protocol CartSubscriber: CustomStringConvertible { func accept(changed cart: [Product]) } protocol Product { var id: Int { get } var name: String { get } var price: Double { get } func isEqual(to product: Product) -> Bool } extension Product { func isEqual(to product: Product) -> Bool { return id == product.id } } struct Food: Product { var id: Int var name: String var price: Double /// Food-specific properties var calories: Int } struct Clothes: Product { var id: Int var name: String var price: Double /// Clothes-specific properties var size: String } class CartManager { private lazy var cart = [Product]() private lazy var subscribers = [CartSubscriber]() func add(subscriber: CartSubscriber) { print("CartManager: I'am adding a new subscriber: \(subscriber.description)") subscribers.append(subscriber) } func add(product: Product) { print("\nCartManager: I'am adding a new product: \(product.name)") cart.append(product) notifySubscribers() } func remove(subscriber filter: (CartSubscriber) -> (Bool)) { guard let index = subscribers.firstIndex(where: filter) else { return } subscribers.remove(at: index) } func remove(product: Product) { guard let index = cart.firstIndex(where: { $0.isEqual(to: product) }) else { return } print("\nCartManager: Product '\(product.name)' is removed from a cart") cart.remove(at: index) notifySubscribers() } private func notifySubscribers() { subscribers.forEach({ $0.accept(changed: cart) }) } } extension UINavigationBar: CartSubscriber { func accept(changed cart: [Product]) { print("UINavigationBar: Updating an appearance of navigation items") } open override var description: String { return "UINavigationBar" } } class CartViewController: UIViewController, CartSubscriber { func accept(changed cart: [Product]) { print("CartViewController: Updating an appearance of a list view with products") } open override var description: String { return "CartViewController" } } Output.txt: 执行结果 CartManager: I'am adding a new subscriber: UINavigationBar CartManager: I'am adding a new subscriber: CartViewController CartManager: I'am adding a new product: Apple UINavigationBar: Updating an appearance of navigation items CartViewController: Updating an appearance of a list view with products CartManager: I'am adding a new product: T-shirt UINavigationBar: Updating an appearance of navigation items CartViewController: Updating an appearance of a list view with products CartManager: Product 'Apple' is removed from a cart UINavigationBar: Updating an appearance of navigation items CartViewController: Updating an appearance of a list view with products 概念示例 真实世界示例