PHP 抽象工厂模式讲解和代码示例
抽象工厂是一种创建型设计模式, 它能创建一系列相关的对象, 而无需指定其具体类。
抽象工厂定义了用于创建不同产品的接口, 但将实际的创建工作留给了具体工厂类。 每个工厂类型都对应一个特定的产品变体。
在创建产品时, 客户端代码调用的是工厂对象的构建方法, 而不是直接调用构造函数 ( new
操作符)。 由于一个工厂对应一种产品变体, 因此它创建的所有产品都可相互兼容。
客户端代码仅通过其抽象接口与工厂和产品进行交互。 该接口允许同一客户端代码与不同产品进行交互。 你只需创建一个具体工厂类并将其传递给客户端代码即可。
如果你不清楚工厂、 工厂方法和抽象工厂模式之间的区别, 请参阅工厂模式比较。
使用示例: 抽象工厂模式在 PHP 代码中很常见。 许多框架和程序库将它作为扩展和自定义其标准组件的一种方式。
识别方法: 我们可以通过方法来识别该模式——其会返回一个工厂对象。 接下来, 工厂将被用于创建特定的子组件。
- 它由哪些类组成?
- 这些类扮演了哪些角色?
- 模式中的各元素会以何种方式相互关联?
了解该模式的结构后, 你可以更容易地理解下面的基于实际情况的 PHP 应用案例。
index.php: 概念示例
namespace RefactoringGuru\AbstractFactory\Conceptual;
* The Abstract Factory interface declares a set of methods that return
* different abstract products. These products are called a family and are
* related by a high-level theme or concept. Products of one family are usually
* able to collaborate among themselves. A family of products may have several
* variants, but the products of one variant are incompatible with products of
* another.
interface AbstractFactory
public function createProductA(): AbstractProductA;
public function createProductB(): AbstractProductB;
* Concrete Factories produce a family of products that belong to a single
* variant. The factory guarantees that resulting products are compatible. Note
* that signatures of the Concrete Factory's methods return an abstract product,
* while inside the method a concrete product is instantiated.
class ConcreteFactory1 implements AbstractFactory
public function createProductA(): AbstractProductA
return new ConcreteProductA1();
public function createProductB(): AbstractProductB
return new ConcreteProductB1();
* Each Concrete Factory has a corresponding product variant.
class ConcreteFactory2 implements AbstractFactory
public function createProductA(): AbstractProductA
return new ConcreteProductA2();
public function createProductB(): AbstractProductB
return new ConcreteProductB2();
* Each distinct product of a product family should have a base interface. All
* variants of the product must implement this interface.
interface AbstractProductA
public function usefulFunctionA(): string;
* Concrete Products are created by corresponding Concrete Factories.
class ConcreteProductA1 implements AbstractProductA
public function usefulFunctionA(): string
return "The result of the product A1.";
class ConcreteProductA2 implements AbstractProductA
public function usefulFunctionA(): string
return "The result of the product A2.";
* Here's the the base interface of another product. All products can interact
* with each other, but proper interaction is possible only between products of
* the same concrete variant.
interface AbstractProductB
* Product B is able to do its own thing...
public function usefulFunctionB(): string;
* ...but it also can collaborate with the ProductA.
* The Abstract Factory makes sure that all products it creates are of the
* same variant and thus, compatible.
public function anotherUsefulFunctionB(AbstractProductA $collaborator): string;
* Concrete Products are created by corresponding Concrete Factories.
class ConcreteProductB1 implements AbstractProductB
public function usefulFunctionB(): string
return "The result of the product B1.";
* The variant, Product B1, is only able to work correctly with the variant,
* Product A1. Nevertheless, it accepts any instance of AbstractProductA as
* an argument.
public function anotherUsefulFunctionB(AbstractProductA $collaborator): string
$result = $collaborator->usefulFunctionA();
return "The result of the B1 collaborating with the ({$result})";
class ConcreteProductB2 implements AbstractProductB
public function usefulFunctionB(): string
return "The result of the product B2.";
* The variant, Product B2, is only able to work correctly with the variant,
* Product A2. Nevertheless, it accepts any instance of AbstractProductA as
* an argument.
public function anotherUsefulFunctionB(AbstractProductA $collaborator): string
$result = $collaborator->usefulFunctionA();
return "The result of the B2 collaborating with the ({$result})";
* The client code works with factories and products only through abstract
* types: AbstractFactory and AbstractProduct. This lets you pass any factory or
* product subclass to the client code without breaking it.
function clientCode(AbstractFactory $factory)
$productA = $factory->createProductA();
$productB = $factory->createProductB();
echo $productB->usefulFunctionB() . "\n";
echo $productB->anotherUsefulFunctionB($productA) . "\n";
* The client code can work with any concrete factory class.
echo "Client: Testing client code with the first factory type:\n";
clientCode(new ConcreteFactory1());
echo "\n";
echo "Client: Testing the same client code with the second factory type:\n";
clientCode(new ConcreteFactory2());
Output.txt: 执行结果
Client: Testing client code with the first factory type:
The result of the product B1.
The result of the B1 collaborating with the (The result of the product A1.)
Client: Testing the same client code with the second factory type:
The result of the product B2.
The result of the B2 collaborating with the (The result of the product A2.)
本例中, 抽象工厂模式提供了一个框架, 以为网页中的各种元素创建不同类型的模板。
只要网络应用的类独立于具体的渲染引擎类, 它就能同时支持不同的渲染引擎。 因此, 应用的对象仅能通过模板对象的抽象接口与其进行互动。 你的代码不能直接创建模板对象, 而是应该将创建行为委派给特殊的工厂对象。 最后, 你的代码也不能依赖于工厂对象, 而是应该通过抽象工厂接口与其进行交互。
你将能为应用中的每个渲染引擎提供相应的工厂对象。 应用中的所有模板都将由该工厂创建, 而且模板与工厂的类型相匹配。 如果你决定更改渲染引擎, 可将一个新的工厂对象传递给客户端代码, 无需对已有代码进行任何修改。
index.php: 真实世界示例
namespace RefactoringGuru\AbstractFactory\RealWorld;
* The Abstract Factory interface declares creation methods for each distinct
* product type.
interface TemplateFactory
public function createTitleTemplate(): TitleTemplate;
public function createPageTemplate(): PageTemplate;
public function getRenderer(): TemplateRenderer;
* Each Concrete Factory corresponds to a specific variant (or family) of
* products.
* This Concrete Factory creates Twig templates.
class TwigTemplateFactory implements TemplateFactory
public function createTitleTemplate(): TitleTemplate
return new TwigTitleTemplate();
public function createPageTemplate(): PageTemplate
return new TwigPageTemplate($this->createTitleTemplate());
public function getRenderer(): TemplateRenderer
return new TwigRenderer();
* And this Concrete Factory creates PHPTemplate templates.
class PHPTemplateFactory implements TemplateFactory
public function createTitleTemplate(): TitleTemplate
return new PHPTemplateTitleTemplate();
public function createPageTemplate(): PageTemplate
return new PHPTemplatePageTemplate($this->createTitleTemplate());
public function getRenderer(): TemplateRenderer
return new PHPTemplateRenderer();
* Each distinct product type should have a separate interface. All variants of
* the product must follow the same interface.
* For instance, this Abstract Product interface describes the behavior of page
* title templates.
interface TitleTemplate
public function getTemplateString(): string;
* This Concrete Product provides Twig page title templates.
class TwigTitleTemplate implements TitleTemplate
public function getTemplateString(): string
return "<h1>{{ title }}</h1>";
* And this Concrete Product provides PHPTemplate page title templates.
class PHPTemplateTitleTemplate implements TitleTemplate
public function getTemplateString(): string
return "<h1><?= \$title; ?></h1>";
* This is another Abstract Product type, which describes whole page templates.
interface PageTemplate
public function getTemplateString(): string;
* The page template uses the title sub-template, so we have to provide the way
* to set it in the sub-template object. The abstract factory will link the page
* template with a title template of the same variant.
abstract class BasePageTemplate implements PageTemplate
protected $titleTemplate;
public function __construct(TitleTemplate $titleTemplate)
$this->titleTemplate = $titleTemplate;
* The Twig variant of the whole page templates.
class TwigPageTemplate extends BasePageTemplate
public function getTemplateString(): string
$renderedTitle = $this->titleTemplate->getTemplateString();
return <<<HTML
<div class="page">
<article class="content">{{ content }}</article>
* The PHPTemplate variant of the whole page templates.
class PHPTemplatePageTemplate extends BasePageTemplate
public function getTemplateString(): string
$renderedTitle = $this->titleTemplate->getTemplateString();
return <<<HTML
<div class="page">
<article class="content"><?= \$content; ?></article>
* The renderer is responsible for converting a template string into the actual
* HTML code. Each renderer behaves differently and expects its own type of
* template strings passed to it. Baking templates with the factory let you pass
* proper types of templates to proper renders.
interface TemplateRenderer
public function render(string $templateString, array $arguments = []): string;
* The renderer for Twig templates.
class TwigRenderer implements TemplateRenderer
public function render(string $templateString, array $arguments = []): string
return \Twig::render($templateString, $arguments);
* The renderer for PHPTemplate templates. Note that this implementation is very
* basic, if not crude. Using the `eval` function has many security
* implications, so use it with caution in real projects.
class PHPTemplateRenderer implements TemplateRenderer
public function render(string $templateString, array $arguments = []): string
eval(' ?>' . $templateString . '<?php ');
$result = ob_get_contents();
return $result;
* The client code. Note that it accepts the Abstract Factory class as the
* parameter, which allows the client to work with any concrete factory type.
class Page
public $title;
public $content;
public function __construct($title, $content)
$this->title = $title;
$this->content = $content;
// Here's how would you use the template further in real life. Note that the
// page class does not depend on any concrete template classes.
public function render(TemplateFactory $factory): string
$pageTemplate = $factory->createPageTemplate();
$renderer = $factory->getRenderer();
return $renderer->render($pageTemplate->getTemplateString(), [
'title' => $this->title,
'content' => $this->content
* Now, in other parts of the app, the client code can accept factory objects of
* any type.
$page = new Page('Sample page', 'This is the body.');
echo "Testing actual rendering with the PHPTemplate factory:\n";
echo $page->render(new PHPTemplateFactory());
// Uncomment the following if you have Twig installed.
// echo "Testing rendering with the Twig factory:\n"; echo $page->render(new
// TwigTemplateFactory());
Output.txt: 执行结果
Testing actual rendering with the PHPTemplate factory:
<div class="page">
<h1>Sample page</h1>
<article class="content">This it the body.</article>